Anti-wrinkle Injections

Using reliable and safe anti-wrinkle treatments to treat those troublesome lines. Botulinum Toxin A is a neuromodulator and inhibits nerve impulses to a muscle, hence leaving it in a relaxed state. It is primarily used to treat dynamic lines, which are wrinkles created by movement. Having regular treatments prevents these lines from getting deeper.

  • Botulinum toxin (Botox) operates by temporarily blocking nerve signals in the muscles, effectively reducing muscle activity and smoothing wrinkles. This precise action is contingent on a targeted and skilful injection process.

  • Botox can help adults who are starting to notice more dynamic lines in their face. It helps to soften and remove those lines that are created on movement of those muscles.

  • The full effect of Botox can take up to 2 weeks.

  • One treatment is usually enough. A review after 2 weeks is advised to assess if further treatment is needed.

  • Usually the effect of botox injections can last up to 3 months.

  • While complications are rare when Botox is administered correctly, they can occur. Some potential side effects include:

    Bruising and Pain at the Injection site: There can be mild discomfort at the injection sites. Bruising can also occur, although this is very infrequent.

    Eyelid Drooping (Ptosis): One of the more common consequences is the drooping of the eyelid, impacting the normal functioning of the eye. This occurs when the toxin affects the muscles responsible for lifting the eyelid.

    Crooked Smile or Asymmetry: The unintended spread can lead to muscle imbalance, causing asymmetry in facial expressions, particularly noticeable in the smile.

    Eyebrow Ptosis: This is when the eyebrows can drop down if too much toxin is injected into the forehead, creating a heavy, angry look.

    ‘Spock’ eyebrows: If the toxin is not evenly distributed depending on muscular activity, the tail of the eyebrows can appear more elevated, created a ‘spock eyebrow’.

    Allergic Reactions: Rarely, some individuals may have an allergic reaction to Botox.

    Other Side Effects: Headaches, flu-like symptoms, and temporary facial weakness may also occur.


Profhilo is a breakthrough bio-remodeling treatment designed to rejuvenate the skin by promoting hydration and stimulating the natural production of collagen and elastin. Unlike traditional dermal fillers, Profhilo offers a more subtle enhancement, emphasising a natural and gradual improvement in skin quality.

  • Profhilo's efficacy lies in its pure hyaluronic acid composition, a hydrating substance naturally present in the skin. Administered through precise injections, Profhilo spreads beneath the skin, deeply moisturizing and encouraging the skin to renew itself.

  • The process results in –
    • improved elasticity
    • reduced fine lines, and
    • an overall brightened appearance.

  • Initially you will require 2 treatments, 4 weeks apart. After this a maintenance treatment every 6-9 months is recommended.

  • Profhilo is suitable for a wide range of individuals looking to address signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of skin firmness. It is particularly beneficial for those who prefer a more natural and subtle enhancement. Profhilo adapts well to various skin types and tones, making it an inclusive solution for anyone seeking a refreshed and revitalized look.

  • One of the advantages of Profhilo is its minimal downtime. While some individuals may experience mild redness or swelling at the injection sites, these effects are generally temporary and resolve within a day or two. Most individuals can resume their daily activities immediately after the treatment.

  • Profhilo is considered safe, but as with any medical procedure, there may be mild and temporary side effects. These can include redness, swelling, and bruising at the injection sites. These effects are typically short-lived and resolve on their own. Severe complications are rare but can include infection or an allergic reaction, emphasizing the importance of seeking treatment from a qualified and experienced practitioner.

  • While individual responses may vary, initial improvements can be noticed shortly after the first treatment. However, the full benefits of Profhilo become more apparent over the course of a few weeks as the hyaluronic acid stimulates collagen and elastin production. Patients can typically expect to see the optimal results approximately two months after the initial treatment.


Polynucleotides are a revolutionary new treatment that have changed the whole face of aesthetic medicine because of the way it can reverse the signs of ageing. It works on our body’s DNA to increase the skin’s collagen and elastin and is a type of bio-stimulating injectable treatment, used for facial rejuvenation. 

Polynucleotides are a special gel containing marine DNA. It's created in labs using parts from salmon or trout sperm.

  • Polynucleotides wake up your body's cells, especially the ones that help make things like collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin. Polynucleotides take time to work and rely on the body to start producing collagen and elastin which occurs over several weeks.

    Here's a breakdown of their use:

    Polynucleotides stimulate the production of collagen, a crucial protein for skin elasticity and firmness. By promoting collagen synthesis, these treatments contribute to skin tightening and a more youthful appearance.

    The regenerative properties of Polynucleotides can help reduce the visible signs of ageing, such as fine lines and wrinkles. They work by supporting the skin's natural repair mechanisms and promoting tissue regeneration.

    Polynucleotide injections can enhance overall skin texture, making it smoother and more radiant. This is achieved by encouraging cell turnover and promoting the renewal of skin cells.

    These treatments often have hydrating effects, helping to improve skin moisture levels. Well-hydrated skin appears plumper and healthier.

    Polynucleotides may have anti-inflammatory properties, contributing to a calmer complexion by reducing redness and irritation. There are some great results for those who suffer with rosacea and can help the red appearance of the skin.


    Dark circles under the eyes can be reduced by injecting polynucleotides in this area by the inhibition of melanogenesis.

  • Polynucleotides are for people with sunken areas in the face, dark circles under their eyes, lines and wrinkles on the face or neck, poor skin texture or skin that needs a pick-me-up. Some patients find it works even better when combined with dermal fillers. It is an excellent alternative for those who may not be suitable for filler under the eyes and can help make that loose skin more firmer and springy.

    Treatments using PN contribute to

    • skin tightening
    • a more youthful appearance
    • anti-aging
    • smoother and more radiant skin
    • well-hydrated skin that looks plumper & healthier
    • reduced redness & irritation

  • After getting Polynucleotides, you might notice some swelling, but that's not the final look. The swelling usually settles down within a week and since they start a physiological process in your body, the real results show up after approximately 2 months.

  • Polynucleotides are safer than other treatments, but because it wakes up your cells, results can be a bit different for everyone.

    3 to 4 treatments in total are required which are injected 2-3 weeks apart. One maintenance treatment every 6-9 months is recommended thereafter.

  • You can enjoy the benefits for about 6-9 months, although it may vary for each person.

  • If you're diabetic or love your caffeine, the treatment might need a bit more time to work, possibly more than the usual 4 sessions.

    Some swelling is to be expected after each treatment for 3-4 days.

    It's essential to note that specific formulations and concentrations of polynucleotides may vary between products and brands.

    The polynucleotide brand used at Dr Selina’s Clinic is extracted from fish DNA using highly purified technology, therefore is safe to use even if you have fish allergies. The use of polynucleotides should be performed by qualified medical professionals after a thorough consultation to ensure safety and efficacy.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are a non-surgical cosmetic treatment designed to address various signs of aging and enhance facial features. Comprising a gel-like substance, typically composed of hyaluronic acid or other biocompatible materials, dermal fillers are skillfully injected beneath the skin's surface to add volume, smooth lines, and restore a more youthful appearance.

  • Administered through precise injections, dermal fillers add volume to targeted areas, plumping the skin and reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles. The procedure is quick and relatively painless, offering immediate results with minimal downtime.

  • Dermal fillers are ideal for individuals seeking to address specific concerns, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of facial volume. For example they can fill in under eye hollows to make you look less tired. They can be added to cheeks to give you a more contoured look. They are extremely versatile and can be added to most areas of the face.

  • They work instantly.

    Dermal fillers provide immediate results, with the full effects becoming more apparent in the days following the procedure as any initial swelling subsides.

  • The number of sessions required varies depending on individual needs and the type of filler used.

    Generally, patients can achieve noticeable results with just one session, while follow-up appointments may be recommended for optimal and long-lasting effects.

    Most fillers last on average from 12-18 months.

    By filling in lines and wrinkles, for example those small fine lines around the mouth or around the sides of your eyes can be treated with dermal filler.

    Loss of facial volume is a common aging concern. Dermal fillers can fill up areas like the cheeks, temples, and lips, restoring a fuller, more rejuvenated look.

    Dr. Selina delicately enhances lip volume and shape, creating natural-looking, beautiful lips that harmonize with your facial features.

    Strategic use of dermal fillers allows Dr. Selina to contour and sculpt the face, highlighting your best features and restoring balance. For example filler over the cheeks, jaw and chin can help define those features and create beautiful curves and angles.

    Dermal fillers can alleviate hollow or sunken areas under the eyes, reducing the appearance of tiredness and creating a refreshed look.

  • Enjoy minimal downtime with dermal fillers. While some individuals may experience temporary redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection sites, these effects typically subside within a few days. Most individuals can resume their regular activities immediately after the procedure.

  • Dermal fillers are generally safe, but like any cosmetic procedure, they may carry some mild and temporary side effects. These can include redness, swelling, bruising, or tenderness at the injection sites.

    Severe complications such as a vascular occlusion are rare, making it crucial to consult with a qualified and experienced practitioner to minimise risks.

Skin Boosters

Skin boosters typically consist of hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in the skin that attracts and retains moisture. Skin boosters enhance the skin's texture and increase hydration. Unlike traditional dermal fillers, skin boosters are designed to provide deep hydration and stimulate collagen production, promoting a natural and refreshed look.

  • When injected into the skin, these micro-doses of hyaluronic acid work to improve hydration levels and stimulate the production of collagen, the protein responsible for maintaining skin structure and elasticity.

    Skin boosters are very versatile and specific areas in the face can be targeted, for example the peri-oral lines or smoker’s lines can be individually treated.

    The result is plump, radiant, and revitalised skin.

  • The full benefits of skin boosters manifest over a few weeks as hyaluronic acid stimulates collagen and elastin production, with optimal results typically visible around two months post-initial treatment.

  • The frequency of skin booster treatments can vary based on individual factors such as skin condition, age, and desired outcomes.

    Typically, a series of 3-4 treatments spaced a few weeks apart is recommended to achieve optimal results.

    After the initial phase, maintenance treatments can be scheduled every 4-6 months to prolong the benefits.

    Skin boosters are excellent for enhancing skin hydration, addressing concerns related to dryness and dullness.

    By promoting collagen production, skin boosters contribute to improved skin elasticity and firmness.

    The subtle and gradual improvement provided by skin boosters ensures a natural appearance without the risk of overfilling or creating an artificial look.

    Skin boosters can be used on various areas of the face, including around the eyes, forehead, and mouth, offering a versatile solution tailored to individual needs.

  • Enjoy minimal downtime with skin boosters. While some individuals may experience temporary redness or small bumps from the injection sites, they usually disappear after 1-2 days.

  • Patients may experience temporary redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection sites, but these effects are usually mild and resolve within a few days. It's essential to follow post-treatment care instructions provided by your practitioner to ensure a smooth recovery.

Chemical Skin Peels

Chemical peels are a great way to reset the skin and are available in different strengths. They can improve skin texture, treat acne and reduce pigmentation. There are a variety of different peels available and Dr Selina will be able to recommend a suitable one for you.

  • Chemical peels contain an acid based solution, combined with vitamins, anti-ageing extracts and glutathione. These cause the outer layer of the skin to shed and reveal brighter smoother skin below.

  • Chemical peels can help those with pigmentation, poor skin texture, acne scarring, acne and for those who want smoother skin.

  • The most popular peel at Dr Selina Clinics is The Perfect Peel. This takes approximately 15 minutes to apply, with the peeling process starting from day 3 and being complete by day 7 after application.

  • The number of sessions required varies depending on individual needs and the type of peel used.

    Generally, a course of 3 peels are recommended, spread apart by 4 weeks.

  • A lighter peel can improve the appearance of various skin issues, including uneven skin tone, mild to moderate photo damage, fine lines, and superficial blemishes. It helps in achieving a smoother, more radiant complexion.

    Using stronger peels such as The Perfect Peel with a supplemental Super Booster can help treat acne scarring and deeper hyperpigmentation.

  • A downtime of approximately 7 days is to be expected with a deeper peel and 2 days with a lighter peel.

  • Common side effects include redness, peeling, and mild irritation, which are generally temporary. It's crucial to follow post-peel care instructions provided by your doctor, including regular application of SPF 50.

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“I had jawline and chin contouring done by Dr Selina and not only am I over the moon with the results, I also had a wonderful experience in her care. She is extremely knowledgeable, gentle and mindful when enhancing my natural features to suit my face, really tailoring the treatment to me. Thank you Dr Selina, you are wonderful at what you do.”

*All treatments will be conducted after a detailed consultation with Dr Selina to ensure each patient is suitable for the selected treatment.

Meet Dr Selina


Meet Dr Selina |

Dr Selina Ahmed


Dr. Selina Ahmed, with her impressive background in medicine and dermatology, is a trusted name in aesthetic care. Her journey in medicine started at The University of Manchester, leading her to become a respected general practitioner and a specialist in skin care. Her passion for dermatology is evident in her advanced studies and work with the NHS, where she has made significant contributions to skin health.

At Dr. Selina Clinics, which she leads as the Medical Director, Dr. Ahmed is known for her personal touch and ethical approach to aesthetics. She believes in enhancing your natural beauty with treatments that are safe, effective, and tailored to your needs. Her blend of medical knowledge and aesthetic expertise makes her a go-to professional for anyone looking to rejuvenate their appearance in a comfortable and trustworthy environment.


  • I was anxious about having my lips done but found Dr Selina and knew from the consultation that I'd be in safe hands. Now, I'm so pleased with my filler, no regrets!